I graduated in journalism from the Methodist University in São Paulo.
In 2017 complete 32 years as a professional photojurnalist
I went through the newsrooms of the DCI Group, Editora Globo, Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo (photo editor) and Agency Brazil in Brasilia (image manager).
I was present at important events in the national and internatinal journalism: World Cup 1998 / France; 2002 / Korea-Japan; Olympic Games Sidney / 2000; Visits of Popes Benedict XVI (2007) and Francisco (2013); agrarian and indigenous conflicts; PC Farias and his involvement with the Italian mafia (Grand Journalism Sheet Award); Eldorado dos Carajás massacre; impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and others. From 1994 to 1999 I worked at the Folha de S. Paulo in Brasilia's office, covering politics and economics.
In 2003 I was the only Brazilian photographer to cover the Iraq War along with Sérgio Dávila, current executive editor of Folha de S. Paulo. The coverage earned the ESSO Award Reporting and publication of the book 'Diary of Baghdad'. I returned to Iraq in 2005, 2010 and March / 2013, following the development of the American occupation and the ten years of war.
I was founder and partner of Fotos Públicas Portal - www.fotospublicas.com.
I won three times the Comunique-se Award as reporter Image and was a finalist in nine editions.
Also won the prizes of the CNT, Abal, Big Leaf Award and Photography Leaf Award.
In 2009 I covered the famine in Ethiopia and my photos are in the book 'The World is not Flat', Jamil Chad.
I lived in Angola (2012) and Panama (2014) where I worked in their respective presidential campaigns. I was in great international coverages in more than 30 countries.
Currently I am independent photojournalist and image consultant and editor in editorial and corporate segment.
I am still as speaker and contributor to the Folha de S. Paulo and develop personal projects.
With the experience of over 30 years in photojournalism in significant coverageS in Brazil and abroad, including nearly eight years as editor and team manager, I offer this professional career to my clients in the following segments:
images Editorial
· Run everyday or special multimedia guidelines.
Corporate and Studio Photos
· I produce and do consulting corporate images with preplanning and based on speed, quality and cost.
· Studio Photography
· Management team
· Planning and organizing editorial and corporate coverage
· Collections Organization
· Edition and curatorship
My professional journey allows me to share experiences through which I passed that add information and knowledge to various professionals and academic sectors, and not only those linked to journalism.
There were many complex coverages that required a high degree of planning, creativity, quick and right decisions, the results were not only the success or failure of the mission, but if you is still alive or not.
The various environments in which I worked, both in management, team management, political environments and government as well as the field in indigenous conflicts and land, four Iraqi War steps, two World Cups, the Olympics and many other situations on adverse or hostile land inspire me to share them:
· ATA Lectures - Executives of the banking and financial sector - 2003
· Methodist University - São Paulo;
· University of São Paulo - USP;
· Goias Federal University;
· Federal University of Santa Catarina;
· University of Araraquara - UNIARA;
· Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar;
· São Judas Tadeu University - São Paulo;
· Anhembi-Morumbi - São Paulo;
· Catholic University - PUC São Paulo;
· Catholic University - PUC Campinas;
· Federal University of Paraná;
· UNINOVE - University Nove - Journalism Week - São Paulo (SP)
· ESPM - Superior School of Advertising and Markting
· Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication - FAAC / UNESP - Bauru (SP)
· CNI - National Industry Confederation - Brasilia;
· Oboré - Special Projects in Communication and Arts
· FUNDAC - Municipal Foundation of Culture - Campo Grande (MS)
· SP PHOTO FEST - Photography Festival - MIS Museum of Image and Sound - Sao Paulo
· Fiat Culture House - Belo Horizonte (BH)
· Itau Cultural Institute - São Paulo;
· Congress of the JNA - National Newspaper Association - São Paulo.
· Arfoc - São Paulo;
· Arfoc - Porto Alegre;
· ARGRA - Asociación de Reporteros Graphics la República Argentina - Buenos Aires
· Biennial International Book of São Paulo - 2004;
· COC Ribeirao Preto.
· Brazilian Army / CCOPAB - Training of Journalists in Conflict Areas / Rio de Janeiro - 2013
· Brazilian Army / CEP-FDQ - Journalism and Armed Conflict - Rio de Janeiro - September / 2015
In 2017 completed 32 years of work as a journalist and photojournalist.
Experience in economic, political, sports, armed conflict coverage, teaching in photography and speaker.
Degree in journalism from the Methodist University - 1991
2016-current - Development of personal projects
- Speaker;
- Newspaper Folha de S. Paulo Contributor;
- Write the column "Por Trás da Foto" in the newspaper Espaço do Povo - Paraisópolis;
- Return to São Paulo. Autonomous works of photojournalism and editorial consulting and corporate images.
2015-2016 - EBC-Brazil Communications Company - Image Manager EBC since October 2015 in Brasilia:
- Manager of the teams of photographic reporters in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo;
- Improvement of the processes of capturing and image editing for distribution in Brazil Agency
- Implementation of Video Agency ABr - http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/videos
- Optimization of press photography in Public Communication, greater mission of EBC.
2011-2015 - Folha de S. Paulo - Freelance photojournalist:
- Creates JV Photo and Video Grafias (2011);
- One of the founders and member of the Public agency Photos - www.fotospublicas.com, only Brazilian agency of free distribution and dissemination of editorial photographic content (2013);
- Production of special materials and daily news with text and photos;
- Production of video documentaries;
- Coverage: 40 years of Trans;
- Coverage: Iraq War / After 10 years in Baghdad;
- Visit Coverage of Pope Francisco.
2004-2010 - O Estado de S. Paulo - Photo Editor:
- Picture Editing for Jornal da Tarde, State of Sao Paulo and Portal www.estadao.com.br;
- Team organization for producing and editing images multiplatform;
- Creation and coordination of the first citizen journalism channel Brazil: Fotoreporter;
- Management teams in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia;
- Election and presidential covers;
- Iraqi elections hedges in 2005 and 2010 - high conflict zone.
1990-2004 - Folha de S. Paulo - photojournalist:
- Experience in economic and political coverage - 1994 to 1999 in Brasilia leaf branch;
- Covers the National Congress, Ministries, Presidential Palace, presidential trips in Brazil and abroad;
- Sports Coverage: French Cup / 1998 World Cup Korea-Japan / 2002 Sydney Olympics / 2000, the Brazilian national team friendlies abroad;
- Hedges of conflicts: Carajás Massacre, agrarian conflicts (MST) and Indians (Yanomami and Tyrian), Iraq War / 2003 (ESSO Award Reporting to the journalist Sérgio Dávila);
- Full coverage (and winning) the murder of Paulo Cesar Farias and his connection with the Italian Mafia (Italy, USA, Switzerland, Uruguay and Argentina);
- Professor of Laboratory Techniques at the Methodist University - 1991.
1985-1990 - Freelance photojournalist:
- Banking News - daily newsletter of the Banking Union;
- DCI Group - Journal of Commerce and Industry; Newspapers Shopping News
- Editora Globo - Globo Rural, Globo Science (now Galileo), Small Business Big Business, CD Magazine;
- Specialized own studio in still-life, emphasis on watches - Cosmos Watches;
- Professor of Photography at the production company "Canal Zero";
- Professor of the Video Photography Course, by the producer "Canal Zero".
- 1994 - Leaf Photography Award: "Burial of Ayrton Senna";
- 1996 - Big Leaf Award "PC Farias body in Maceio IML";
- 1999 - CNT Award - National Confederation of Transport: "The Route of the Fuel Adulteration" by Revista 4 Rodas;
- 2003 - Big Journalism Sheet Award: "Iraq War";
- 2003 - Esso Award for Reporting: "Iraq War", along with the journalist Sérgio Dávila;
- 2005 - Winner Award Communicate "reporter Picture 2005";
- 2007 - Winner Award Communicate "reporter Image 2007";
- 2012 - João Valiante Journalism Award - Aluminum Recycling - "The History of the Aluminum Can";
- 2003-2013 - Finalist "Comunique-se Award - Image Reporter" in 11 editions.
Diary of Baghdad, 2004 DBA publisher, 156 pages, co-authored with Sergio Dávila. Book-report on the Iraq War coverage in 2003;
The World Is Not Plan, 2010 Publisher Virgil, 244 pages, in partnership with the author Jamil Chad. Book-report on the famine in Africa.
- Intermediary English
- Intermediary Spanish
International experience professionals:
- France - World Cup 1998
- Peru - Qualification World Cup 2002
- Australia - Olympics 2000
- Spain - Training and friendly Brazilian National Soccer Team in 2002
- Malaysia - Training and friendly Brazilian National Soccer Team in 2002
- Korea/Japan - World Cup 2002
- Iraq - Iraq War in 2003; Elections 2005; Elections 2010;
- Iraq War, 10 years later, in 2013
- Switzerland/Ethiopia - Report on Hunger - 2009
- Italy - PC Farias case and his involvement with the Mafia - 1996
- Argentina - PC Farias case - 1996; FHC trip; World Cup 2002; Travel Dilma Rousseff
- Uruguay - PC Farias case - 1996
- Argentina - Dilma Rousseff - Presidential Travel - 2011
- Bolivia - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- Paraguay - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- Chile - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- Japan - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- Venezuela - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- French Guiana - Fernando Henrique Cardoso - Presidential Travel
- Angola - Worked for three months in the Presidential Campaign of José Eduardo dos Santos - 2012
- Photo coverage of Odebrecht projects and BIOCOM - 40 days - 2014
- Antarctica - President Lula - Official Visit to the Antártica Station Comandante Ferraz - 2008
- Mozambique - Bank of Coal Mine Images in Tete and Nacala Airport - 2014
- Panama - Worked for three months in the Presidential Campaign of José Domingos - 2014
Important Curricular Links:
1 - Interviews Jô Soares's Program:
Qatar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRfEtibNho4
SP-Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmEj3a-45cY
SP-Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9PaU9J9fsk
2 - Interview Altas Horas - Serginho Groisman
3 - Documentary Photographers - TV Art1:
4 - Photorepórter no Photoimage Brazil:
5 - Launching Photorepórter:
6 - Marketing Best Award - 2006 - Photorepórter
+55 11-96488.7656